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- Johannes Bastiaens, as he is properly styled in certain deeds, but calling himself (after his fa.’s patronymic) “Johannes Michelson Kortright,” m. Aeltie, dr. of John Vermilye, 2d. He was a weaver, but succeeded to the farm at Sherman's Creek, which in a mortgage given Jan. 9, 1768, he describes as No. 20, and 10 morgen, and by the original boundaries of 1691. Within a year after, he removed to N. Y., and having lost his wife, appears to have d. ab. 1775. His son John Courtright, as he wrote his name, m. in 1774 his cousin Aefie, or Effie, dr. of John and Aefie Devoor, of Hoorn's Hook, and was last of the family to own the ancestral farm; of which he made sale, May 24, 1786, to Cornelius Harsen, who conveyed it Jan. 3, 1804, to Jacobus Dyckman, whence it came to his son, the late Isaac Dyckman. It was included in the tract of 128 acres (being part of said Isaac's estate) called the George Tract, which was parcelled into lots, and disposed of by public sale, Oct. 14, 1868.
Riker, James. Harlem (City of New York): Its Origin and Early Annals, Prefaced by Home Scenes in the Fatherlands; or, Notices of Its Founders Before Emigration. Also, Sketches of Numerous Families, and the Recovered History of the Land-titles. New York, NY: James Riker, 1881.